
MetaOracle is a decentralized high-frequency oracle and prediction market platform. In the prediction market, users can make predictions about the results of events; those who predict correctly will win and those who predict incorrectly will lose. The price of the prediction market can be used as an effective predictor of the probability of the result of an event.

In MetaOracle, users can trade in the prediction market with extremely low cost, high efficiency and excellent user experience. Users will be rewarded for creators of events and reporters of event results. MetaOracle's mechanism ensures that trust requirements, friction and costs are low to a competitive level in the market.

In the global market, prediction markets are still dominated by centralization. In prediction markets, it is common practice to aggregate event trading by a trusted entity; Similarly, it is common practice to determine event results and distribute rewards to users by an impartial and trusted entity. However, centralized prediction markets have many risks and limitations: they do not allow global users to participate, they restrict the types of events created and traded, and they enforce unconditional trust that the centralized entity will not steal funds and give correct event results.

MetaOracle aims to solve the problem in a decentralized fashion. Using a decentralized network that supports multiple public chains such as BSC, Sui, Aptos, Ethereum, etc., eliminating the risk of self-interest leading to corruption or theft, MetaOracle developers publish smart contracts on the decentralized network, and MetaOracle smart contracts are fully automated. MetaOracle allows information to be migrated from the real world to the blockchain, making high-frequency prediction markets available.

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